Trade and Conference Ads
In it's latest ad campaign, Fenwick & West moved from advertising exclusively in business, consumer and law journals to include sharply focused topical ads that appear in conference publications.
Trade Magazine and Conference Program Ads
Fenwick & West 2008—2012
Fenwick & West 2008—2012
In it's latest ad campaign, Fenwick & West moved from advertising exclusively in business, consumer and law journals to include sharply focused topical ads that appear in conference publications.

National Law Journal ad.

AlwaysOn Venture Capital Conference ad.

Minority Law Magazine ad.

California Lawyer magazine ad.

California Lawyer magazine ad.

General firm ad, appeared multiple magazines.

AlwaysOn Media conference ad.

AlwaysOn Venture Capital Summit ad.

Ad for BALIF (Bay Area Lawyers for Individual Freedom--a gay and lesbian lawyer group) for a fundraising dinner.

General firm ad that appeared in various magazines and conference publications.

Appeared in California Lawyer magazine as well as in conference publications.

Originally created for Seattle Business Times and repurposed many times for various law trade magazines.