Fenwick & West Sharepoint Website
Originally created by Hubbard One, I extended the design to include new page layouts, site-wide typographical revisions, new widgets and a new set of icons. I also selected artwork, provided photography direction, worked closely with the programmers, and ran herd over graphic production to ensure timely and proper execution of the site. The results of all those mega menus, widgets, trending tags, sliders, access to thousands of documents, was over a million hits in its first six months—not bad for a law firm site.
Originally created by Hubbard One, I extended the design to include new page layouts, site-wide typographical revisions, new widgets and a new set of icons. I also selected artwork, provided creative direction, worked closely with the programmers, and ran herd over graphic production to ensure timely and proper execution of the site.
The results of all those mega menus, widgets, trending tags, sliders, access to thousands of documents, was over a million hits in its first six months—not bad for a law firm site.
The results of all those mega menus, widgets, trending tags, sliders, access to thousands of documents, was over a million hits in its first six months—not bad for a law firm site.

A newly revised home page that incorporates a single image across all info blocks. Combined with new type treatments and rollovers, the page has a more cohesive modern look. Functionality remains the same.

This is the homepage for the Chinese site that is contained within the main Fenwick site.

Chinese site basic text page.

Newly revised Careers subsite.

New proposed biography page, is shows a new design direction, which will be applied to the rest of the site over the course of the next year. Larger type and leading looks less cramped and enables easier access to information. Related Content section includes images and more information for easier decision making and a new search bar. The right side widgets also use the type treatment from the main section.

Original home page showing pulldown tabs.

Original home page design showing persistent top pull-down mega menu and footer menus expanded.

Home page showing main persistent, pulldown mega menu.

Home page showing Professional pull-down mega menu.

Professional biography page, showing related items below bio and on the right, the expanded education widget.

Experience page with all right side widgets expanded.

icons and widgets used throughout the site.